Търсене в този блог

четвъртък, 7 февруари 2013 г.



Makes: 10 Servings
4 ½ cups (500 g) flour
2 oz (50 g) pork fat, diced
7/8 cup (200 g) sugar
1 tsp (5 g) red preserved plum, shredded (optional)
4 ½ tsp baking powder
2 oz (50 g) stir-fried flour
1/3 oz (10 g) walnuts, chopped
1 tsp (5 g) green preserved plum, shredded (optional)

1. Mix the flour, baking powder, and 9oz (250 ml) of water into a dough. Let rise, then knead roll
the dough until smooth and elastic.
2. Cut in 10 pieces.
3. Mash the pork fat in bowl.
4. Mix in the stir-fried flour, sugar, walnuts, preserved plums, and enough water to make a filling.
5. Divide the filling into 10 portions.
6. Roll out the dough balls into 3 inch (7 cm) circles.
7. Place 1 portion of filling in each wrapper and pinch gather the edges.
8. Steam in a steamer for 7 minutes, or until cooked.
9. Remove and serve.

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